By car/bicycle:
It can be reached on the Szendrő road by turning off the main road No. 26 and then at Sajószentpéter, on the main road No. 27, it can be approached from Slovakia by turning off the main road 50 (E571) at Torna. The easiest way to get to the Guesthouse is at the yellow-painted Unio Coop building in the city center, depending on the direction you are coming from. After this, turn left at the 3rd turn, which takes you up a very steep ascent. But perseverance, it’s already Part Street, where the hill is on the right with a brown fenced house as the destination. (5-6 minutes walk)
By train:
Take the train between Miskolc and Tornanádaska at the Szendrő-upper railway station. From there, continue along the Bódva River on Kovács út to the main square of the city. Here, straight on, opposite the mayor’s office, you have to walk up the stony shore. The hill takes you up to Part Street, where on the left in the direction of travel you only need to find the right house number to reach your destination. (10-15 minutes walk)
By regular bus:
Direct bus services from Miskolc, Kazincbarcika, Edelény, Jósvafő to Szendrő, Fő tér stop. Here is the yellow-painted Unio Coop building, where you have to walk upwards depending on which direction you are coming from. After this, turn left at the 3rd turn, which takes you up a very steep ascent. But perseverance, it’s already Part Street, where you go up the hill to the right with a long brown fenced house as your destination. (5-6 minutes walk)